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Case Study: EPOD Reduces Shell Opex by 85% While Offsetting Emissions
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In 2017, Shell collaborated with industry, international institutions, non-governmental organizations, and academics to develop a set of Methane Guiding Principles.
In line with these goals, Shell developed a new well pad design for their Alberta Shales business in 2019, eliminating methane emissions from pneumatic devices by using instrument air. In late 2019, Shell decided to move forward with a trial of EPOD to optimize its instrument air design. A 20 kW EPOD was installed and started up on April 15, 2020, at one of their Alberta Shales multiwell pad sites.
This case study reviews the trial and the results Shell experienced.
In line with these goals, Shell developed a new well pad design for their Alberta Shales business in 2019, eliminating methane emissions from pneumatic devices by using instrument air. In late 2019, Shell decided to move forward with a trial of EPOD to optimize its instrument air design. A 20 kW EPOD was installed and started up on April 15, 2020, at one of their Alberta Shales multiwell pad sites.
This case study reviews the trial and the results Shell experienced.