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Turnaround Support Keeps Startup on Schedule Turnaround Support Keeps Startup on Schedule
The Emerson Impact Partner Network of  Valve Automation Service Teams provide support beyond the initial supply of new equipment to cover the entire lifecycle of the product.

The Emerson Impact Partner Network of Valve Automation Service Teams provide support beyond the initial supply of new equipment to cover the entire lifecycle of the product.

Lean on our network to partner with your maintenance team to determine turnaround requirements, assist with retrofitting or replacing obsolete valves & actuators, support troubleshooting and repair of damaged actuators, and preform preventative maintenance and health checks on existing equipment.

Recent Example:
During a six-week turnaround, a customer required repair of over 160 valves. Many of these were in severe service applications and almost a quarter of them were in high pressure (ANSI B16.5 Class 1500) service. In addition, there was a lack of accurate asset data that could be leveraged to help the planning of this large outage.

The Local Impact Partner deployed two Instrument Asset Specialists to the customer’s site to support the turnaround.

First, the IASs enabled the existing asset management system so that it would start collecting asset data that could be leveraged for planning the turnaround. The IASs also liaised with Emerson’s Instrument & Valve Services to coordinate the repair of the valves at the I&VS depot. The resulting turnaround was completed successfully with no expediting, unnecessary repairs, or extra parts. As a result, all of the required valve repairs were completed without impacting the schedule’s critical path.

Instrument Asset Specialists plan and coordinate repair schedule
Ensure start up happens on schedule
Active management eliminates expediting and unnecessary repairs